Our company
From pure specialist retailers to international full-service suppliers
From a pure specialist retailer for fasteners, we have developed into an innovative full-service supplier to the global industry.
Our guiding principle “Our service connects! “shapes all business processes. Associated NORM+DREH will support you from enquiry to delivery of the goods. Our direct contacts are personally available to you in order to ensure efficient order processing and maximum customer satisfaction. Technical expertise, service orientation and many years of market experience in the fasteners industry are fundamental components of our corporate philosophy.
Since 1997, we have been certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 + 14001 and use an integrated quality management system to make consistently high customer satisfaction our standard. With the flexibility of a medium-sized company, we do everything we can to fulfill your urgent inquiries quickly and pragmatically. In over 50 years of company history, we have often made the almost impossible possible.

01 Solution orientation
We see ourselves as problem solvers on the side of our customers. In our opinion, good solutions are characterized by efficiency and practicality and avoid excessive complexity. Pragmatic solutions are at the heart of everything we do!

02 customer centricity
Customer centricity goes beyond mere products and services. It focuses on the customer and derives the best possible action strategies from this. The focus is not only on understanding the wishes and needs of customers, but also on practical implementation in suitable delivery options.

03 ND standard
We keep our standards high: continuous certifications, strict quality controls and continuous optimization of our processes to ensure customer satisfaction. Associated NORM+DREH wants to continue to position itself as a reliable partner for the global fasteners industry and stand out in particular through exceptional service quality!
Our company history is characterized by over 50 years of continuous development and specialization.
Associated NORM+DREH is now in its 3rd generation and is still a family-run company. Cooperative cooperation with a flat hierarchy enables us to exploit the advantages of short decision-making processes, flexibility and innovation for the benefit of our customers. Continued successful positioning in the global market for the B2B fasteners industry is our mission.
ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen. Eine kooperative Zusammenarbeit mit flacher Hierarchie
ermöglichen uns die Vorteile von kurzen Entscheidungswegen, Flexibilität und Innovation
zum Kundenvorteil auszuspielen. Eine weiterhin erfolgreiche Positionierung im weltweiten
Markt der B2B- Verbindungsteile Industrie ist unsere Mission.
At NORM+DREH, you can always count on direct contacts who will provide you with personal and competent support.
Our commitment is also reflected in our environmental awareness, strong partnerships and continuous investments in research and development.

Through close cooperation with leading industry associations, reliable suppliers and committed network partners, we can mutually increase our success. We are grateful to include the following partners in our external team.
JCM Digital Solutions
With JCM Digital Solutions, we have a real partner in the area of marketing and branding.
Schlüssel Region
The industrial network of the Velbert/Heiligenhaus region with over 230 members.
Our certified partner in the area of ERP and DMS systems with over 30 years of experience.
Our partner in managed services, IT infrastructure and digitization.

eDOC Aviation Service GmbH
We implement our process optimizations in the area of customs and exports in close cooperation with eDoc.